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We are
We are a
deal factory.

We are an
M&A Studio.
Independent M&A and fundraising advisor
dedicated to pushing sparkling entrepreneurs forward.
Company Sale
We design and implement the best strategies for your exit. As former CEOs, we know how to find the right Partner to build the right Project at the right Price.
External Growth
We are synergy explorers and market switch responsive, constantly scouting innovative, disruptive and meaningful external growth opportunities for our clients.
From roadshow to closing, we guide innovative entrepreneurs to raise funds from beffiting VC funds, banks, corporate ventures and private investors.
We are
natural born
We specialize in turning your
business history into legend.
Team sport has a unique value : it is to be able to be ahead of its time. It allows us to share fantastic feelings with people with whom we cannot speak. In this sense, team sport is a model. When the tennis becomes Davis Cup, it express something which does not exist otherwise. The golf with Ryder Cup also. People feel it. The vibration is there.
Arsène WengerLegendary Coach